Our FREE Courses
All of our services are totally FREE for medical students and graduates who are passionate about research the same way we are
Medical Research and Statistics Free Course - Part 1
This course covers evidence-based medicine, PubMed search tutorial, reference management, study design, bias, critical appraisal of studies
Medical Research and Statistics Free Course - Part 2
This Course covers medical statistics and the introduction to performing statistical tests using R language and R Studio. This course covers basic medical statistics in a simplified format including, data types, plotting, descriptional and inferential statistics. It discusses also how to choose the appropriate statistical test for each set of data. The course trains students on applying these statistical tests on real data sets in R language and orient students into different useful R packages.
Medical Research Free Course - Part 3
This course discusses different parametric and non-parametric statistical tests, their interpretation, and how to perform them in R.
Medical Research Free Course - Part 4
This course covers advanced statistics such as linear, logistic, and Cox regressions, their interpretations, and how to perform them in R. This course also covers sample size calculations and how to perform them in R.
Medical Research Free Course - Part 5
This course discusses systematic reviews and metanalysis from theory to application.
Medical Research Free Course - Part 6
This course discusses medical and scientific writing rules and preparation of a manuscript for submission to a journal.
Our FREE Consultation Service
We offer FREE consultations for medical researchers around the globe to help with study designs, data analysis, statistical analysis, interpretation and medical writing